Quote & Orders
How long does it take to receive a quote?
Within 24 hours of quote inquiry during week days. All inquiry submitted on Friday will receive a quote on the following Monday.
What detail should I expect from a quote?
All quote contains product pricing, product specification, expected turnaround time, delivery term and payment term.
What is required to place an order?
Official purchase order in written form is required for all purchases.

Payment & Shipment
What form of payment do you accept?
For U.S. clients, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), VISA / MasterCard, and cheque are accepted.
For Canadian clients, only Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and cheque are accepted at this time.
What types of shipping terms do you offer?
Client can choose either door to door service or FOB nearest shipping hub to destination. NOTE: additional cost may apply if ship-to address changes after confirmation of purchase order.
Do you offer drop-shipment services?
We do not offer drop-shipment services at the moment.
What is your claim and return policy?
All shortage / defects must be reported to A.D.A.I. Promotions Inc. within 72 hours after receipt of products. Proofs such as photos or physical samples are required for all claims. Once compensation is deemed accepted, client can choose either a credit-note for next order or monetary refund.